Tessie Dessers

elastic chainElastic Chains

  • Medical Grade polyurethane
  • Superior color stability, fade resistant
  • High elasticity and excellent rebound
  • Stain and moisture resistant material: consistent force delivery with minimal decay rates.


long short continious





TOP FIT Banden

TOPFIT bands

  • TOP FIT molar bands anatomically conform to the individual tooth which guaranties a perfect fit on the tooth.
  • Permanent markings on the mesial surface cleary identifies the size and quadrant.
  • Highly polished outer surface for optimal oral hygine.
  • Excellent bond strenght through micro etching of the internal band.
  • Special rolled edges create a perfect edge closure.
  • A buccal/cusp indent eliminates occlusal intergerence.
  • Available in 30 proportional graduated half sizes assures a custom fit for 1st and 2nd Molar maxilary and 1st Molar mandibulary.
    Sizes available from 29.5 to 44.
  • Available in 26 proportional graduated half sizes assures a custom fit for 2nd Molar mandibulary.
    Sizes available from 29.5 to 42.






The Quattro system is ideally enhanced with the unique BENEfit/BENEplate System (developed in cooperation with University of Düsseldorf) offering exchangeable abutments and  connecting plates. This opens up new posibilities in palatal based appliances popularly used for molar distalization.

Quattro and BENEfit a complet TAD system using the same basic instrumentation keeping inventory manageable and very cost effective.


  • Clinically proven applications
  • Titanium implant material
  • Self-drilling & Self-tapping technique
  • Reliable & secure-fixed Anchorage
  • Innovative head attachment design
  • Stronger conical body design
  • Deeper threads & denser pitch design
  • Various screwhead design
  • Available in multiple sizes



  • Provides improved higher strength
  • Immediate load-bearing of heavy forces
  • Easy to combine with applications of orthodontic accessories
  • Better mechanical retention
  • Avoids gingival impingement
  • Reduced treatment time
  • Easy to insert and remove


Mentoplate-systeem mentoplate

The Mentoplate-system provides a perfect solution for enhanced stability with special orthodontic bone anchored plates for intraoral fixation in the maxilla and the mandible.
The system includes Titanium plates which are fixed to the bone surface wih selfdrilling screws. 

  • Intrusion and extrusion of teeth
  • Distal/mesial movement
  • Space closure
  • Maxillary protraction
  • Maximum retention force
  • Easy fixation with selfdrilling screws
  • Reduced risk of tooth damage
  • Precise control of tooth movement
  • Ability to eliminate facemask






BENEfit-systeem BENEsliderMesialisatie Distalisatie

Skeletal anchorage in orthodontics 


An important requirement for successful orthodontic treatment is stable anchorage. Conventional orthodontic anchorage can be limited by periodontal disease and/or missing teeth. Skeletal anchorage has been proven to be very effective. It can be an essential part of non-compliance therapy and broadens the options available to the orthodontic practitioner.

Mini-Implants are especially advantageous because of the minimally invasive insertion protocol and their relatively low cost.

However, limitations can occur when conventional mini-implant systems are used for orthodontic anchorage.

Possible indications:

  • Maxillary molar distalization and mesialization
  • Molar uprighting
  • Anchorage for upper anterior teeth and molars
  • Temporary tooth replacement
  • Palatal expansion
  • Indirect anchorage


  • Significantly less expensive than typical dental implants
  • Immediate loading is possible and recommended
  • Minimally invasive insertion protocol
  • Orthodontists can insert them themselves avoiding referrals to other dental specialists
  • Easy to remove
  • Internally retained fixation screw is securely integrated within each abutment



Klik op de foto voor een grotere afbeelding

 Alveolarplate Mand left  Alveolarplate Mand right    Anchorage Anterior Teeth  Anchorage for upper molars
 BENEslider Distalisatie  BENEslider Mesialisatie  BENEslider Mesialisatie Distalisatie  Hybrid Hyrax
 Hybrid hyrax Distalizer  Mentoplate 9mmbar  Molar uprighting  Molar uprighting2
 MouseTrap Intrusion  PendulumB  Plastermodel implants  Skull Mentoplate Alveolarplate
 TemporaryImplant  Temporaryimplant2  ToothEruption  
8fc8fc72-9890-4f50-8f98-3a008b9806c8.JPG 8283cb42-005d-4f20-bc4b-f51a16b937db.JPG 959965ee-8e99-4f06-b7ee-3ca4f6dd181f.JPG a773948b-ae62-4dfa-b2c2-b9932c809999.jpg



 Intra-orale fotografie
Intraorale fotografie foto


  • Geen aangeslagen spiegels dankzij het ventilatie systeem
  • Spiegels worden verlicht door 2 LEDs.
  • Lucht volume kan met de  +/- toetsen aangepast worden
  • Makkelijk vast te nemen door de patiënt terwijl de orthodontist perfecte foto's van de mond maakt
  • De spiegels zijn makkelijk in het handvat te bevestigen met een schroef              
  • Licht in de hand
  • Sterilisatiecassette verkrijgbaar











Loupebrillen - Diagnose




intraorlecamera intraorlefotgrafie 




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