niti veren

FLEXADENT™ Nickel Titanium’s superelastic qualities make it the perfect material for orthodontic springs.

With proper usage, Niti springs are highly resistant to permanent set and provide comfortable, predictable forces during treatment.

In comparison, stainless steel springs exert high initial forces, lose force quickly after placement, and will commonly take a permanent set.

1. Open Coil Spring:

  • Made of premium Nickel Titanium wire.
  • Provide continuous forces throughout  activation.
  • Virtually no permanent deformation with  proper usage.
  • Wide range of forces available.

2. Closed Coil Spring

  • Springs are made of premium Nickel Titanium wire.
  • Provide continuous retraction forces  throughout activation.
  • Securely attached, precision designed stainless steel Key-end eyelets for easy attachment.


3. Distalizing Spring

4. NiTi Class II Spring